How to deal with dirty leather gloves?
No matter how beautiful gloves are, we will not leave them for people to appreciate. We need them every day, as simple as putting in daily necessities, and even accompanying us on our journeys around the world, so whether it is leather shoes, leather accessories, leather bags, travel bags , leather gloves, etc. will wear out, here are some common examples of leather damage and how to deal with it.
Stain. Dip a clean sponge with mild soap or white wine, wipe off the dirt with alcohol, then water, and let the leather dry naturally. If the stain is stubborn, you can treat it with a detergent solution, but be sure to wipe carefully to avoid damage Leather surface.
Heat and sunlight. Try not to expose leather products to sunlight or near any heaters, otherwise the leather will become more and more dry, and the elasticity and softness of the leather will gradually disappear. Immediately use a clean cloth or sponge to dry the juice, if necessary, dampen the cloth Wipe off the juice with warm water, then let the leather dry naturally. Use a clean cloth for butter or grease to wipe off the oil on the surface, and let the remaining oil stains slowly penetrate into the leather. Do not wipe the oil stains with water.